Learning from Dreams
Buddhist Wisdom for Sleeping, Dreaming and Waking Up
Special Weekend Course with the
Blessing Empowerment of Prajnaparimita
Friday, 21st to Sunday, 23rd November
“You should know that all phenomena are like dreams.”
- Buddha Shakyamuni
About this course
Dreams may be blissful, mundane, or frightening, but they can also be meaningful.
Buddha’s teachings show us how to use our dream experiences to gain transformative insights into the very nature of our existence.
Over the course of this weekend we will have the space and time to explore Buddhist teachings and meditations which help us to experience the dreaming mind as our spiritual teacher. With this experience of dreams our waking life also reveals itself to us as a teacher and a remarkable spiritual opportunity.
This course will also include advice on how to sleep well and enjoy meaningful rest.
The Teacher for this special weekend course
This weekend course will be led by our resident teacher, Gen Kelsang Khechog.
Known for his thoughtful nature, Gen Khechog presents Buddha’s teachings with relatable clarity, showing how to connect these beautiful meditations with the realities of modern daily life.
This event includes the blessing empowerment of Buddha Prajnaparamita.
Prajnaparamita is a female Buddha who is the manifestation of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom. By relying upon her we can dispel the ignorance that is the main source of our suffering.
This special blessing ritual creates a close karmic connection between Prajnaparamita and ourselves, and empowers us to attain enlightenment by relying on her Tantric practice, which will be explained during the course.
The teachings for this course will be mainly taken from Geshe-la’s book, ‘The New Heart of Wisdom’, a commentary to ‘The Heart Sutra’.
You can purchase this book in our shop, or also paper, ebook and audio versions from tharpa.com here.
Friday, 21st November
Introduction Talk with Gen Khechog: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, 22nd November
Empowerment: 10am - 12noon
Lunch: 12pm - 1pm
Session 2: 1pm - 2:30pm
Session 3: 3pm - 4pm
Sunday, 23rd November
Session 4: 10am - 11:15am
Last Session 5: 11:45am - 1pm
Make your booking below
Cost: Includes refreshments and a light lunch on Saturday.
Weekend course and blessing empowerment
Please note; Empowerments are not included in Regular Plus membership
Fri 7:30pm-8:30pm / Sat 10am-12pm, 1pm-2:30pm, 3pm-4pm / Sun 10am-11:15am, 11:45am-1pm
Light refreshments & lunch on Saturday only are included
- if you would like to join us for a complimentary lunch please book by Saturday, 16th November at the latest so we know how many people to cater for. Thank you.