Blessings for a Year
Wisdom Buddhas Je Tsongkhapa & Dorje Shugden
Friday 27th June, 7:30pm - 8:30pm
These two enlightened beings are in truth the same person appearing in different aspects. Wisdom Buddha Manjushri appeared in this world as Je Tsongkhapa (1357 - 1419), a Tibetan Teacher who wrote unusually lucid texts clarifying the meaning of all of Buddha’s teachings, saving them from decline and preserving them for future generations. It is Je Tsongkhapa’s presentation of Buddha’s teachings that Venerable Geshe-la principally relied upon when creating our Modern Kadampa Buddhist texts.
Dorje Shugden is also Wisdom Buddha Manjushri, appearing as the Protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings, helping faithful Kadampas to gather all the inner and outer conditions they need for successful practice.