21.11.27 Pure Mind, Pure World Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Vajrasattva


27th November, 10am - 5pm

In-person only

Includes lunch and refreshments.

Make your booking by clicking on the ‘Book Here’ button below then….

  1. Go to your basket. (click on shopping basket icon that appears at the bottom right hand corner of this page)

  2. Put in your email address & pay.

  3. We’ll send you a receipt and confirmation email for your booking

Please book before noon on Friday, 26th November so we know how many people to cater for. Thank you.

Book here

27th November, 10am - 5pm

In-person only

Includes lunch and refreshments.

Make your booking by clicking on the ‘Book Here’ button below then….

  1. Go to your basket. (click on shopping basket icon that appears at the bottom right hand corner of this page)

  2. Put in your email address & pay.

  3. We’ll send you a receipt and confirmation email for your booking

Please book before noon on Friday, 26th November so we know how many people to cater for. Thank you.

27th November, 10am - 5pm

In-person only

Includes lunch and refreshments.

Make your booking by clicking on the ‘Book Here’ button below then….

  1. Go to your basket. (click on shopping basket icon that appears at the bottom right hand corner of this page)

  2. Put in your email address & pay.

  3. We’ll send you a receipt and confirmation email for your booking

Please book before noon on Friday, 26th November so we know how many people to cater for. Thank you.